Event Dates:
17/11/2024 - 17/11/2024
Each gymnast’s individual rankings are shown below in the all around competition. Click on the individual gymnast name to see their apparatus scores.
1 70.890 - Amara Shah (Hendon)
2 70.100 - Isabella Petty (Zenith)
3 68.440 - Lola Marro (Twizzlers)
4 68.050 - Ellen Secker (Camden)
5 67.990 - Grace Burke (Sobell)
6 66.620 - Emil Dabrowski (Inspire Academy)
7 65.330 - Eloise Alexander (Camden)
8 62.730 - Lola Stachow (Zenith)
9 61.510 - Elias Bean (Twizzlers)
10 61.480 - Isabella Blount (Zenith)
11 44.200 - Ella Ferrari (Nitro)