2017 London FV North

Redbridge Sports Centre

Event Dates:

24/06/2017 - 25/06/2017

A list of the top 10 apparatus scores for each piece is shown below. Click on the individual gymnast to see all of their apparatus scores.

5GNC Apparatus Rankings:


  1    15.100 - Tolani Aradeon (Redbridge Lions)

  2    14.950 - Jada Mitchell (Kingfisher)

  3    14.700 - Lillie Goldie (E17)

  4    14.600 - Annabella Negus (Redbridge Lions)

  5    14.550 - Elizabeth Menen (Camden)

  6=  14.500 - Pearl Parker (Camden)

  6=  14.500 - Amelia Semark (Elite GA CIC)

  6=  14.500 - Angela Prushi (Elite GA CIC)

  9=  14.300 - Chloe Judd (Catleaps)

  9=  14.300 - Ella Orbell (Camden)

Vault (Best):

  1    12.000 - Eve O'Goan (Harrow SoG)

  2    11.900 - Angela Prushi (Elite GA CIC)

  3=  11.800 - Rheygan Ordonio (Elite GA CIC)

  3=  11.800 - Tolani Aradeon (Redbridge Lions)

  5    11.600 - Katie White (Catleaps)

  6=  11.500 - Jada Mitchell (Kingfisher)

  6=  11.500 - Imani Sulola (Flipstars)

  6=  11.500 - Tayllah Barton-Conde (Catleaps)

  9    11.400 - Victoria Ruto (Catleaps)

10    11.100 - Amelia Semark (Elite GA CIC)